Ken Huddleston of KK's Music & Pawn

In this episode, Richard and Nate sit down with Pawn industry vet Ken Huddleston.  Ken has been in the pawn industry since the late '70s and has a wealth of knowledge on how to run a successful pawn/music store hybrid. With such a unique dynamic of a pawn/music store, Ken shares how he manages to treat both parts of his business equally and how it helps the company grow as a whole. He tells us what it's like to work with family and the positives of having two stores, with one in Manchester, and other in Tullahoma, he shares how they work together. He also helps unfold the ins and outs of quality and quantity, Holding goods, buying goods, giving appraisals and the realities of taking chances when it comes to giving loans. He covers some of the reasons people pawn things and the way it affects the pawn shops cash flow. He mentions the importance of safely buying and selling online and how you can protect yourself from getting scammed by a buyer. Ken has been successfully adapting to the industries changes for many years you won't want to miss hearing his advice filled episode!

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Ian HarroldMusic Store, Retail, Pawn